【同义词辨析】 2018-04-17 不快sullen-gloomy

sullen: implies a silent ill humor and refusal to be sociable or cooperative: remained ~ throughout the party.

glum: suggests a silent dispiritedness: the whole team was ~ following the defeat.

morose: adds to glum an element of bitterness: became ~ after the death of his wife.

surly: implies sullenness, gruffness, and churlishness of speech or manner: a ~ young man. (churlish=rude粗鲁无礼)

sulky: suggests childish resentment expressed in peevish sullenness: a period of ~ behavior followed every argument.

crabbed: applies to a forbidding, ill-natured harshness of manner: his ~ exterior is only a pose.

saturnine: describes a heavy, forbidding, taciturn gloom, or suggests a bitter, sardonic manner: a ~ wit. (taciturn冷漠无语, sardonic挖苦)

dour: suggests a superficially severe, obstinate and grim bitterness: a disposition to match the landscape, ~ and unfriendly.

gloomy: implies a depression in mood making for sullenness, dourness or glumness: bad news that put everyone in a ~ mood.

sullen: 闷气不愿交流合作, glum: 因为失望而沉默, morose: 增加了苦涩的意味, surly: 闷气甚至粗鲁, sulky: 孩子般生闷气,crabbed: 让人生畏粗糙举止(crab螃蟹),saturnine: 阴郁冷默挖苦,dour: 外表严厉顽固和苦涩,gloomy: 形容令人压抑的情绪.

记忆方法:1) GooGle SSSS CMD 谷歌(google)四海(4s)发号施令(command)==>让人不快

  2) 不快的意思是情绪令人生畏不合意mean showing a forbidding or disagreeable mood.